Southampton Cultural Center
Still Life Drawing for Kids taught by Sarah Drake
Still Life Drawing for Kids taught by Sarah Drake
Price: $8.00
Drop-in Class
Pickup: N.A.
Return: N.A.
Product Description:

Ages 5+ : Mondays at 11 am, April 27th through May 18th 

An online class where kids will practice simple still life drawing guided by an instructor.  Children will learn basic still life drawing skills, the benefit of making mistakes, and how to slow down and really look at an object.  Kids will be asked to choose an item of their own from a category provided by the instructor. 

Week 1: Tea Cups
Week 2: Fruits and Veggies (choose 1 item!)
Week 3: Plants
Week 4: Your Lunch 

Materials needed:
Drawing paper (computer paper is fine)
No. 2 pencil
Eraser (optional)


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